
Writing Headlines that Convert – The Ultimate 19 Steps Guide

In a fast-growing online market, everything evolves at the speed of light.  To stay in the competition and have the edge over your competitors, you must familiarize yourself with all the tricks of the digital market. Nowadays, online marketers are fully aware of the importance content writing plays in their business.   So, do not overlook the significance of an appealing headline in SEO.

Your headlines are what your audience sees first.  It doesn’t matter what it is,  a product or service, or how useful it may be the audience will never know if your headlines won’t take them there.  If your audience is not interested, all your efforts will be fruitless.  Great headlines give your content more visibility and help you rank higher in search engines, so it pays to enrich your headline skills and start writing headlines that convert.

Headlines that convert

Follow the 19-step ultimate guide to eye-catching headlines that convert.

1. Determine your target audience.

Who is your audience? Before you even start on your content, you must know who you are addressing. The same information, different headlines can be in unlimited ways to be more compelling and have a different impact on your target audience. Some points to consider are age group, social status, locality, education, or skills that may be required. It all depends on what you market. Remember any writing style that may appeal to one group may disappoint the others.

2. How to make your Headlines bring more organic traffic

Write your headline with the most relevant keyword of your content. You should SEO optimize your headline to ensure it ranks high in engine searches.  Use power words, such as verbs and adjectives that will draw your target audience. 

Consider the purpose of your article: is it to convince, inform, educate, or entertain?  Concentrate on the goal of your page and stay focused on your “keywords.”  Write several different headlines and choose the one that best suits your aim.

3. Keep It Short and Clear

Make your point at a glance. Just name your brand, product, or service and what or how the customer benefits.

State the obvious in your headline briefly and clearly to make it easy to understand. When potential customerscatch a glimpse of your headline, they shouldn’t need any help to figure out what you’re selling.

According to Statistica, a person’s attention span is 8.25 seconds, and people’s attention span decreases every year.

So, be straight forward use simple words to convey your message. Always use common words and adjectives that people can relate to, keep it clear and short.


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4. Adjectives Make all the Differences

Adjectives are necessary because they make – a big (gigantic, enormous, considerable, humongous) difference.  Use descriptive adjectives and give your headline a boost and make it unique and most catchy to your audience’s needs.

Don’t be afraid to be unique and creative.  In other words, your headline has to be different from others todistinguishyou from your competition.

Look for descriptive wordsrarely used in headlines. Be original instead of saying “The Most Popular Vacation Destination,” why not say “The Least Known Vacation Destination for Memorable Holidays!”


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5. Let Emotional Words Do the Trick

Different words bring different results.  Some words evoke different feelings and emotions. Use emotional, impulsive words that can motivate your audience into action.

People want to achieve their goals while others want to avoid mistakes. By pointing out common errors in particular situations, you can draw their interest.


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Headlines that convert emotional words

6. Explain to your Potential Customer how to Solve a Problem

Let your customer know what you offer and how you differentiate from your competitors. Why they should choose you over your competition.State it clearly in your headline. Your audience must have that information to “click” and continue reading. The longer you keep your audience engaged on your page, the more likely they will respond positively.


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7. Pose  a Rhetoric Questioning your Headline

Such a headline should ask your audience to think and answer affirmatively with a “Yes.”  This response will motivate your target audience to read for more valuable information. 

Asking a question in the headline gets your audience more engaged. If the audience reads the question and feels compelled to answer it, the audience will read your content.

This headline applies to various products and services. It shows ways to solve a common problem without wasting time, cash, and effort. These factors matter the most to all. 


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8. Arouse your Audience’s Curiosity

People want to be informed about new products and services, as well as interesting and useful ones. Even though your product or service may not be something new, it is how you present it that will be news.  Satisfy their curiosity by providing all the necessary information they need to know and add that extra feature your product or service offers.


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Headlines that convert audience curiosity

9. Evoke a Feeling of Lack of Awareness.

Your headline should intrigue your audienceto read more to enhance their knowledge. It should keep them engaged on your page for more information.


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10. Use headline ‘formulas’ that Work for You

What makes a headline good is its style that is the  “the formula.”

Find the one that serves your needs:

The (9) Best Ways to (lose weight) Without (Dieting)

The (11) Most Important (Tools) for (your Website)

The (9) Best (Treatments) for (Back Pain)

The (15) Guaranteed (Ways) to (Earn Income for your Home)

How to (Get more Engagement in Social Media)

Why(Is an SEO Checklist Useful) for (your Site)?

You should try different headline formulas to see which one works best for you. But, when you use these formulas, make sure to include the keywords relevant to your content.  That will get your audience to engage or buy your product.

11. Provide Reassurance

People don’t want to waste their money nor their time.They want to achieve the best results without mistakes. By pointing out common mistakes your target audience may have experienced, you easily grasp their attention.

Inform them about the strengths of your product/service. People trust products and services already tried out by others. Let them know what your customers said about your product. Use 1st person and quotes:


“It’s the best Dental product I have ever used!”

“The Most Effective Exercises I have done!”

People are very skeptical in our days before they make any online purchase

So, a headline is compelling when it states that a reliable group of people now recommend the product


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12. Provoke action- Be persuasive

Your headlines must motivate your audience to act promptly so as not to miss the opportunity. Be earnest, and use the imperative. “Ask for your free trial now!” 

It is advisable to use “you” insuch headlines.

In every headline that contains ‘you,’ the engagement seems to increase.Your audience relates with the word “you” and gets more involved.

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Invite them to a challenge, try something new to benefit.


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13. Give Vital Information

Although people are overwhelmed with information through the media, what they search for is ways to use what they possess, broaden their experience, and grow their business potential, and improve their lifestyle.

Show them the trick, the secret formula that will improve their situation.


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14. Write a Headline that Solves a Problem

After reading your headlines, the question is, “Why read it?”  They will, however, decide to do so if you convince them that you provide a solution to their problem. Why are you reading this now? Because you need help with your headline writing.


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Headlines that convert headline that solves a problem

15. Motivate your Customers to Compare 

Introduce a comparison in your headline. Consumers usually compare products before deciding on the purchase.  But ask them to compare things that matter to them and explain how they will benefit by choosing your product or service.


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16. The “How to…….” And  “The Best way……” Formulas

People are very eager to achieve their goals. But they are also keen to reach them the quickest possible way. Nowadays, people are looking for l low cost, less time, and with less effort, ways to satisfy their needs.Try to deliver the promised results within the shortest period possible, but remain realistic about it. Try to provide solutions without extra expenses.


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17. The First Impression Plays a Role

Currently, people are more concerned about the impression they make on others.  Image coaching is on the rise nowadays. They want to know more about themselves and how others see them. Fortunately or not, appearances are important. So, when you show them how your product or service can help them,  you get their attention.


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18. Put Numbers in your Headlines

Numbers are attention-catchers but written as numerals, not in words. That is because we read digits faster and easier, so 17 is easier to read at a glance than “seventeen.”

People also prefer numbers, especially in headlines. Numbers are something everyone understands and give a hint on how long an article may be.

Including numbers and numerical data in your headline is an effective way to attract more readers. Research studies have shown that headlines with numbers tend to generate even 70% more engagement.

It is also interesting to know the science behind odd numbers. You may have noticed that headlines often have more odd numbers than even numbers. That is because the brain registers odd numbers better than even ones.  For some reason, odd numbers help people understand and recall information easily.

Even more intriguing is that number 7 seems to get more “clicks”!


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19. Don’t Overlook  Some Technicalities

●   A recent study conducted by Content Marketing Institute found that including a hyphen (-) or a colon (:) in the headline increased the click-through rate by 9%.


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●    Build the headline around the keywords of your written content and make sure it has fewer than 70 characters because more words render it too long for Google to index.

● Write in capitals letters nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. Use lowercase articles -a, an, the, and prepositions.

●   Keyword search is required to achieve top ranking in search engines.

The right keywords will drive you leads, sales, and conversions. Of course, keep keywords relevant to your product and content.

Don’t Forget your Headline Checklist

Once you finish with your headlines, check and make sure you did the following:

● Determine your target audience

● State what you can deliver

●  Write powerful verbs and adjectives

●  Pose a question

●  Arouse curiosity

●  Provide a solution

●  Give reassurance

●  Ask for a comparison

●  Provide relevant and new information

●  Try various styles of headline formulas and structures

Check your Audience Engagement

Within 1 – 2 months, check for customers’ inquiries.  If you got some new customers, then your headlines are working.

But don’t rest on your laurels. Keep working, optimize and improve them.

You should figure out which content is driving the most leads for your business. When you do that, you are on your way to improving conversions and generating sales.

Write Tailor-made Headlines for your Audience

Remember your audience is your potential customers.  So, address your audience and write headlines explicitly for them. Your headlines can vary. You can have a statement, question, or a combination of the two. The choice and decision are yours as long as you get your audience’s attention and get them to click. 

That is important because statistics have shown that a majority reads your headline, but only a few will click to read your page.  The headline’s purpose is to draw more readers.

There are numerous ways to write a headline but what you need is the one that will hit the “click” button!That’s your target. When you accomplish this, then the content will take over and convert the audience into customers. An eye-catching headline will draw the audience’s attention and increase your page’s traffic and Click-Through-Rate (CTR).

The more headline formulas and structures you try, the better results you get. As long as you keep your audience in mind and write compelling headlines, they will click and read your content.

It’s a fact that headlines are an integral element of your content. Craft them wisely!

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By Aristides Seimanidis

By Aristides Seimanidis

Digital Marketing Specialist specializing in a 360 approach in Digital Marketing I can help you find and use the right mix of strategies that will work your type of business

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