To increase YouTube subscribers in a channel, it is required to follow a strategy. YouTube is the second most popular video search engine. Its audience increases constantly, rendering it an essential tool for your marketing strategy.
Whatever your business type is, YouTube’s popularity can no longer be overlooked by digital marketers. But high popularity means high competition. So how can you draw more attention? How can you entice more subscribers? All you need is a good strategic plan.
Why Include YouTube in your Marketing Strategy?
YouTube helps you increase your viewers and engage your existing ones. Reach out to new viewers searching for information relevant to your product or service. A majority of consumers have discovered new products, others want to see more video content from the product they are interested in, before making their purchase. Businesses providing such videos are more than satisfied with the ROI as a result of their video.
YouTube also helps your customers to know more about you and not just your product. That increases engagement and subscribers even if they are not ready to buy your product at that particular time.
Step 1 – Make your Channel Unique. Think Outside the Box.
If you already have your YouTube channel, take a close look at it. It may be time to refresh it. Delete any old, outdated, badly-produced videos. Keeping them may do more harm than good to your product and channel.
Sο, what is it you want to tell your potential subscribers? Before starting you must know what your target is. What will the purpose of your videos be? Introduce a new product? Provide information on given products? How to or DIY guide? News about your business, or your projects and potentials?
Plan your strategy and focus on your goals, and target audience to grow your channel’s subscribers. Focus on what will make your channel unique. Think of yourself as a potential subscriber. What you like to watch, why? What will make you click the “Subscribe” button?
Research before you start. What do your competitors show? What videos get the most subscribers? Study what makes some videos more successful than others. What elements they include. Then get down and create your video, implementing but not copying the most captivating features. The trick is to elicit your audience’s interest and curiosity to watch more. But remember it is the quality people share in various ways online which in turn will bring more subscribers.
Step 2 – Manage your Time
Creating a good quality video and keeping it consistent, requires time and effort. It’s a time-consuming process therefore, the whole process must be considered in your weekly workload. Consistency is crucial to keep your subscribers. If you do not update your channel or you post many videos one week and nothing over some time,your subscribers will not stay. Being consistent will keep your current subscribers and will bring in more. So, you need to upload videos regularly.
Step 3 – Be Creative and Stay Focused
Stay focused on quality and not the quantity of content. Quality is always affordable whatever the cost is because good quality videos will bring you revenue.
Be creative when you plan your script. You must know the end before you start shooting your video. Write it, read it, repeat several times. Remember you need to convey your message most powerfully and convincingly.
Be well-equipped although you may not want to start spending before earning. There are quite a few no-cost techniques to follow for the best results. Of course, you will need more than just your camera and a tripod. Depending on the location of your shooting, you may need lights. To improve your lighting without spending try filming during daylight hours, natural light makes a big difference. For better sound, a good external microphone will do but try recording in a room that has no echo, so avoid bare floors and walls. And don’t forget your background, keep it consistent because it gives continuity between your videos.
Step 4 – Don’t Let a Second Get Wasted
The first 10 seconds of your video must be most captivating. Forget the long, boring introductions. Make your statement, on the spot. Statistics have revealed that viewers will not watch beyond the first few seconds if they don’t see/hear what they expect right there and then.
Have more 5-minute videos instead of a long ones. Again, it is argued that online video viewers have a short attention span. Despite how complicated your product or service is your video must be short.
So, if you need more time create more short and easy videos. Group a set of videos into a playlist. This provides viewers with more information about your channel, and they can watch without searching for the next video.
Your viewers can see that you offer quality and well-organized content and they will want to stay on your channel and subscribe.
Once you have created the best gripping content, you can get more subscribers. Use channel trailers, they are short (30-60 seconds) and play automatically. They give your viewers a reason to stay. It should also give a motivating and impressive call-to-action so your viewer has a good reason to subscribe.
Step 5 – How Important is a Powerful CTA
Include an impactful Call-to-Action (CTA). It gives your viewers a reason to return to your channel through a CTA . Do not get intimidated, it is not complicated and YouTube has done all the work for you, to facilitate adding end screens and cards into your videos.
An end screen is exactly the end screen of your video where a CTA will appear. It encourages your viewers to subscribe, takes them to your next video, or even better takes them to your website.
Step 6 – Promote your Videos on your Channel
Promoting your next video on your End Screen, the more your audience watches, the more will subscribe.
End cards can also appear on your video during the last 20 seconds. They can point your viewers to your website, your next video or playlist, promote your channel or track your audience.
Add a watermark to your video but don’t use your logo, use the “Subscribe” button. It gets viewers to subscribe to your channel while in your video.
Step 7 – Why you Need Consistent Thumbnails
Your video thumbnail is your video’s first impression. The first thing a viewer sees, a still image, the “cover” of your video. So you realize its importance. It determines if the viewer is going to watch or not the video. You may use a version of your logo. Use the same font, colors, and frame. Your audience must recognize it every time they see it.
Step 8 – How to Keep Your Subscribers Engaged
The easiest and most effective way to do this is by replying to their comments. The viewers appreciate the time you take to reply. They are more likely to interact readily and subscribe. Even a “heart” on their comment makes a big difference over the competition.
Promote your channel to online social networks, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, etc. Find the ideal time to post your video, and introduce your product or service. Motivate them and give them an incentive to subscribe to your channel. People love free offers, a “gift”, a free trial, a free eBook anything handy or useful is appreciated, especially nowadays. Create a contest that will require participants to like your post, comment, follow your page, and subscribe to your YouTube channel.
Step 9 – How to Optimize your YouTube Channel
You don’t want all your work to go to waste. It is crucial people can find your videos easily. Your videos must rank high in search engine results so that they are visible to people searching related topics onYouTube.
How to achieve the best results for YouTube optimization? Create targeted titles. Do your keyword research and find out what words or terms people use when searching. Your video title must be capturing, indicating what the video is all about. Also, keep your title short (preferably up to 40 characters).
Consider the option of adding a transcript to your videos. A video transcript increases accessibility, it is seen as a page copy, and having more text for your video you gain additional searches.
Meta tags can also help with your keywords, and make them more accessible. Check what Meta tags are being used, and use the most appropriate for your video.
Step 10 – Aim for No-Cost Advertising
Use the most effective keywords in your channel description to rank high in YouTube. Promote your YouTube channel among your current audience. Share your YouTube channel with your customers and business partners in your company’s newsletter, in your blogs, or even create a video page on your website.
The bottom line is the more subscribers you have the more audience you can reach. It is the YouTube algorithm that decides what a majority of people watch. So the more audience the more subscribers you get. Knowing the right time to upload, getting the edge over the competition builds brand trust. Stay connected with your audience. Update your channel. Include your videos on your website. It is a worthwhile marketing strategy.
Need to increase YouTube video views and subscribers quickly?
If that’s the case, then YouTube ads are the best way to go. Cost depends on many factors, and you can always use Google Ads platform to promote your videos and your Channel. If you are seriously thinking about promoting your YouTube channel through Google Ads, let AtalosWeb send you a quote!