
How did Covid-19 impact the Digital Marketing Industry?

The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has toppled the process of every business digital or not. Most countries worldwide have been in lockdown. This resulted in huge unrest in the global economy.  The pandemic had a considerable impact on Digital Marketing, at all levels. However, this impact for the most part was a positive one, rather than what has been observed in other fields such as economy, employment, trade, production, etc. 

While the virus raised uncertainties regarding health, social life, economic stability, and employment, it also led to social shifts. A new lifestyle has emerged, such as working remotely, spending more time indoors, e-learning, increased care on health and hygiene, and social distancing. 

People are left jobless with no or limited sources of income. While companies small and big are shutting down, manufacturers have put some of their processes on hold.  Even government organizations limited their work as a preventive measure against Covid-19 spreading. While the general economy is suffering, there is a noticeable increase in online purchases, more social media engagement, and of course online content.

covid 19 digital marketing

What changes occurred in Digital Marketing?

Minor businesses closed or stopped their Digital Marketing for health concerns, and to stop the spread of Covid-19. Retailers and shoppers alike had to remodel overnight to a new digital reality. Consequently, they experienced a drop in online traffic, sales, engagement, and conversion rates. But Digital Marketing must go on to prevent the worse scenario. Remote work, working from home was a solution for everyone involved in Digital Marketing.

Moreover, consumers shifted towards digital platforms and content, so marketers can now connect with their customers digitally more than ever before. Although customers have discovered advantages to shopping online, they claim the online experience has its weaknesses. 

The increased use of social media and digital content has provided plenty of growth opportunities. This also initiated marketers to act more socially responsible when putting into effect their Digital Marketing strategies.

How Consumers’ trends have changed

Digital marketers are facing a ‘new consumer’ today. During the Covid-19 lockdown, people do not buy much, either because they need less or they cannot afford more.  Buying habits have changed drastically.  

Consumers are turning to online shopping for products they normally bought in stores.  But as some markets are closed, there is a shortage in some necessities while in others costs have increased tremendously. 

Yet, this shift provided online retailers better returns on their online ads, boosting online marketing expenditures.  Even companies that were not selling products online, resolved to Digital Marketing to remain in business.

Why is the Digital Marketing more resilient to Covid?

Digital Marketing offers marketing channels that are entirely online and therefore resistant to Covid-19 and lockdown consequences.  Furthermore, customers leave their digital data ‘footprint’ that enables storing, tracking, and capitalizing on every opportunity.

 Exploiting the opportunity at hand, digital marketers draw more traffic to their website or social media pages, engage their target audiences, and convert them to leads and sales.

Digital Marketing takes a new direction

Digital Marketing has shifted to different directions as there is a different market to serve. Customers are spending more time researching products and services online, but they feel disconnected, and complain about the service. So, marketers must manage their online reputations effectively. In today’s digital marketing, customer service is of utmost importance.  

When customers feel neglected or forgotten, they leave. Getting customers back after the lockdown is over won’t be easy.  To ensure customers’ satisfaction with your products and services you need to encourage engagement with customers during this crucial period. 

To reach out to top customers and respond to an influx of inbound calls, many companies set up virtual contact centers, chatbots giving instant and precise answers to questions and keep the customers satisfied.

digital marketing directions

More incoming traffic from social networks

Due to continuous lockdowns, work from home is the new normal and people may have more free time as they do not commute to work, and not being able to socialize freely they spend more time on social media. This has allowed digital marketers to benefit and better connect with their customers through various Social Media sites, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Linkedin just to mention a few. 

As the number of users increases, companies, influential brands, even tech enterprises produce more content to market, for the users to consume. The increase in social media engagement and digital content has provided marketers plenty of opportunities to capitalize on.  

Digital entrepreneurs took to various social media platforms, and offer free services, free trials, or provide engaging and entertaining content to draw more audiences.  This also urged marketers to respond sensibly and more responsible when putting into effect their digital marketing strategies

A social network is not only a marketing channel but it helps build a good rapport with consumers, it raises your awareness of their needs, comments, and indications.  Digital marketers use social networks to show how they provide for the wellbeing of their communities during the pandemic. Social media has gained ground in strengthening and encouraging Digital Marketing.

covid impact online business

COVID-19 has revealed drawbacks in digital sales-readiness.

However, the flow in the digital market is not evenly distributed.  Some basic household goods have shown an amazing increase contrary to items such as appliances, clothing, and cars.

Some companies are bombarded with more orders than they can handle such as groceries, household goods, toys, pet supplies, pharmacy, and general commodities, while others lack orders and interactions, like in hospitality, furniture, luxury, appliances, and hospitality.  Shopping trends have changed like never before.  Customers now use a variety of digital market channels, and they are overwhelmed with information through Search engines, and Social Media feeds.  Consumers are encouraged to buy products beyond the brand’s propertiesTherefore digital marketing demands a different approach.

Are you ready to adjust?

If you are ready for changes in your digital marketing strategy, you can and will adapt to an unprecedented situation. A comprehensive strategy for your business will bring positive results as long as it is flexible enough to face any unforeseen events. 

Your marketing strategy must consider your customers, your product demand, and of course your website traffic. And remember, you can increase customer engagement through your local interaction.  

During this crisis, having new and regularly updated data is more important than ever. Building data awareness helps form upright decisions during COVID-19.

Entering a Brave New Digital World

While people work from home, glued to their screens during lockdowns, traffic and search volume have surged, so those taking advantage of these low cost-per-click (CPC) rates benefitted from a much higher return on investment (ROL) than before the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Cost-per-click (CPC) seems to be more resilient for marketers during the Covid-19 lockdown. There are fewer ads on marketing channels like Google Ads, Twitter Ads, and Facebook Ads because the supply of goods is limited.  The cost of paid ads has diminished giving an advantage for digital marketers to gain exposure, increase traffic and sales.

The Covid-19 lockdown period also saw a surge in demand for Over-The-Top Content Hubs such a Netflix and Amazon Prime. This provides the Digital Marketer with an opportunity to promote and market products and services to a new audience.

Time to “reset” for the Post-Covid era

Businesses operate in a new environment, enabling remote work for employees, and discovering new ways of communicating with customers.  Companies that have successfully overcome the obstacles can develop and grow to a more digital, active company and ready to face the ‘New Normal’ post-crisis.  

When people get back to their normal lifestyles and routines, the marketers must retain the quantity and quality web traffic on their websites and landing pages. 

During this Covid-19 crisis, companies struggle to remain stable and prepare for their re-opening and emerge from this crisis with the least damage possible. Maintaining stability is a challenge during such a pivotal time for our society.

Digital Marketing Reset

What sort of long-term impact do you think the pandemic will bring?

Covid-19 has led the way for further development of Digital Marketing activities.  A new reality has come to stay. Business owners are urged to reconsider their strategies, including their marketing channels.  In the light of what is happening, digital marketing needs to transition and implement new digital tools to leverage technology and remain sustainable. 

The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has overturned the projections of every business digital or not. There’s a technological revolution happening and how companies maneuver will make all the difference.

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By Aristides Seimanidis

By Aristides Seimanidis

Digital Marketing Specialist specializing in a 360 approach in Digital Marketing I can help you find and use the right mix of strategies that will work your type of business

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